Labor agreements in the audiovisual industry

Resolution of March 22, 2024, of the Directorate General of Labor, which registers and publishes the III Collective Bargaining Agreement for the audiovisual production industry (technicians).

Regulates labor relations between audiovisual production companies and their employees:

  • Technicians in productions whose primary exploitation is their broadcasting through a television and advertising system.
  • Technicians in productions whose primary exploitation is their exploitation in movie theaters.
  • Technicians in productions whose primary exploitation is their exploitation in low-budget movie theaters (maximum of 1,125,000 euros).
Excluded are those companies that have their own collective bargaining agreements; those that are affected by an agreement of a lower territorial scope with more beneficial or superior conditions (article 7.3 of the agreement); and short film productions whose primary exploitation is their exhibition in movie theaters.

Signed in 2016. It regulates the labor relations between audiovisual production companies and the extras who provide their services to them. Filming where people appear as interviewees, guests and audience are excluded, as well as work done for short films.

With the resolution of June 9, 2023, of the Directorate General of Labor, the Act of the Agreement for the update of salaries for the years 2023 and 2024 of the State Collective Bargaining Agreement regulating the labor relations between the producers of audiovisual works and the extras rendering services therein is registered and published.


Firmado en 2016. Regula las relaciones laborales entre las empresas de producción audiovisual y los actores (incluidos los de publicidad) que presten sus servicios a las mismas. Están excluidos los trabajos realizados para cortometrajes.

A partir de la Resolución de 28 de marzo de 2023, de la Dirección General de Trabajo, se registra y publica el incremento y la tabla salarial para el año 2023, y la modificación del Anexo I del III Convenio colectivo estatal regulador de las relaciones laborales entre los productores de obras audiovisuales y los actores que prestan servicios en las mismas.



Tablas salariales

Firmado en 2016. Regula las relaciones de trabajo en aquellas empresas que desarrollan alguna o varias de las actividades definidas como publicidad en el artículo 2 de la Ley 34/1988, de 11 de noviembre General de Publicidad o norma que la sustituya.

Se modifica por la resolución de 2 de agosto de 2022, de la Dirección General de Trabajo, por la que se registra y publica el Acta sobre revisión y tablas salariales para los años 2022 a 2025 del Convenio colectivo estatal para las empresas de publicidad.



Tablas salariales